Privacy policy

  1. Main information
The present policy of personal data processing is written in accordance with the State law from 27.07.2006 number 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» (State law about personal data) and defines the order of processing of the personal data and measures to insure safety of them which are held by Zakoldaeva Ksenia Sergeevna (who will be called ‘the Operator’ from now on)
1.1. One of the key aims and conditions for the Operator is keeping the rights of a person and a citizen safe during the processing of personal data and information, including saving the right for privacy
1.2 The present policy of the Operator in relation to processing the personal data (later mentioned as Policy) applies to all the information which the Operator could acquire about the visitors of the web site http://deutschmitliebe.com/eng.
2.Interpretation and definitions which are used
2.1 Automatic processing of personal data is the processing a personal data with computer equipment
2.2. Blocking of personal data is a temporary termination of processing of personal data (besides the cases if the processing is needed to revise the personal data)
2.3 A website is a combination of graphic and informative materials including databases which maintain their availability in the Internet under this website http://deutschmitliebe.com/eng.
2.4. Informational system of personal data is a combination of personal data available in databases and technologies which maintain their processing
2.5. Depersonalization of personal data are actions which result in impossibility of defining the belonging of it to a particular User or another person
2.6 Processing of personal data is any operation or a complex of them which are being done either with automation tools or without them with personal data including collecting, recording, systematization, saving, revising (updating and editing), extraction, distribution, using, depersonalizing, blocking, deleting of personal data
2.7. The Operator is either an authority, a natural person or a legal entity (or several of them) which can collect and process the information and define the aim of processing the personal data and any actions which are needed
2.8. Personal data is any information which belongs directly or indirectly to any user of this website http://deutschmitliebe.com/eng.
2.9. Personal data which were allowed by a user to get distributed is a personal data to which an unlimited circle of people have access to with the consent to the processing of personal data
2.10. A User is any visitor of this website
2.11. Providing of personal data consists of actions which are aimed at disclosure to a particular person or a circle of people
2.12. Distribution of personal data consists of any actions which are aimed at disclosure of the personal data to uncertain circle of people or at seeing personal data of uncertain circle of people including publication in social media, posting or granting access to personal data in any way
2.13. Cross-border transfer of personal data is a transfer of personal data to a foreign country or a foreign authority, a foreign natural person or a legal entity
2.14. Deleting of personal data consists of any actions which result in deleting the informational system of personal data without the possibility of getting it back or restore in any way and or material storages for personal data get deleted
3.The main rights and obligations of the Operator
3.1. The Operator may
– get an authentic information and or documents which include personal information from any user
– in case of revocation of the consent of processing the personal data the Operator still may continue the processing of personal data without the consent
– Define independently the list of measures which are needed and sufficient for the maintenance of performing the duties which are stipulated by the Law about the Personal data
3.2. The Operator must
– provide to the subject of personal data information which concerns the processing of their personal data when there is an enquiry
– to organize the processing of personal data with the accordance of the relevant Law of the Russian Federation
– to respond to the appeals and requests of the subjects of personal data and their legal representatives in accordance with the Law of Personal data
– to provide to the Authority responsible for the protection of the rights of the subject of personal data any needed information when there is an appeal from it within 10 days from getting such an appeal
– publish or provide an unlimited access to this Policy about the processing the personal data
– undertake legal, technological, organizational and other kinds of measures to protect the personal data from illegal or accidental access to it and also deleting, editing, blocking, copying, distribution or any other illegal actions towards the personal data
– stop sharing, distribution, access to the personal data in cases which are stipulated by the Law of personal data
– to perform other duties which are considered by the Law of personal data
4. The main rights and obligations of the subjects of personal data
4.1. The subjects of personal data have a right to
– acquire the information about the processing of personal data excluding the cases which are stipulated by the federal laws. The information is provided to the subject of personal information by the Operator in an accessible form which should not contain the personal data of other subjects of personal data excluding the cases when there are legal reasons to disclose this data. List of the information and the order of getting it is established by the law about personal data
– demand the revision of personal data, blocking it or deleting in cases when this information is insufficient, outdated, illegally received or not needed for the aims of processing. And undertake actions for protection of the rights
– to make a condition of preliminary consent during the processing of personal data with the aims at promotion on the market
– cancel the consent of proceeding the personal data and send the demand about canceling proceeding the personal information
– to challenge in court or by an authority illegal actions or inactivity of the operator during the processing of their personal data
– to exercise any rights which are considered by the Law of the Russian Federation
4.2. The subjects must
– provide the Operator the authentic information about themselves
– report the Operator about changing or editing of their personal information
4.3. People who have provided incorrect information about themselves or about another subject of personal data are liable in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation
5. Principles of personal data processing
5.1. Processing is being done with lawful and equitable manner
5.2. The processing of personal data is limited to the achievement of specific, predetermined and legitimate goals. Processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of personal data collection is not allowed
5.3. It is not allowed to combine the databases containing personal data if the purposes are incompatible with each other
5.4. Only the personal data which meets the goals of its processing can be processed
5.5. The content and the amount of personal data which can be processed correspond to the purposes of processing. The redundancy of personal data processing is not allowed
5.6. During the processing of personal data the accuracy and relevance in some cases in relation to the purposes of it is guaranteed. The Operator undertakes measures in deleting or revision of uncertain data
5.7. Personal data is stored in a form that allows to identify the subject of personal data, no longer than the purposes of personal data processing require, unless the period of personal data storage is established by federal law, an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor. The processed personal data is destroyed or depersonalized upon achievement of the processing goals or in case of loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law
6. The purposes of processing the personal data
  • The purpose – informing a User through sending emails
  • Personal data – first and last names, Telegram account
  • Legal basis – the federal law «Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите информации» от 27.07.2006 N 149-ФЗ (about the information, IT and safety of information from 27.07.2006 number 149-ФЗ)
  • The types of processing of personal data – collecting, recording, systematization, saving, storing, deleting and depersonalization of personal data
7. Conditions of processing the personal data
7.1. The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing
7.2. The processing of personal data is needed to achieve the goals stipulated by the international treaty of the Russian Federation or a law to implement the rights and duties of the operator
7.3. The processing of personal data is necessary for the administration of justice, the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings
7.4. The processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the personal data subject is a party or beneficiary or guarantor, as well as for the conclusion of an agreement on the initiative of the personal data subject or an agreement under which the personal data subject will be the beneficiary or guarantor
7.5. The processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the operator or third parties or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and freedoms of the personal data subject are not violated
7.6. Processing and an unlimited access to personal data are carried out if a subject of personal data has a consent to it or because of a request (publicly available personal data)
7.7. The personal data which is mandatory to disclosure or publication by the federal law is carried out
8. The procedure of collecting, storage, transferring of personal data
The safety of personal data which is being processing by the Operator is ensured with implementation of legal, organizational and technical measures which are needed to comply with the demandings of the relevant law of safety of personal data
8.1 The Operator ensures the safety of personal data and undertakes all the measures which exclude the access of third parties to it
8.2. The personal data of a User will not be given to any third parties in any circumstances excluding the cases when it is needed to implement the current legislation or in case if there was a consent of the subject of personal data to transfer it to a third party to fulfill the obligations of a civil contract
8.3. The user can update their personal data in case of noticing any inaccuracies sending a letter to the Operator zakoldaevaks@gmail.com with the note ‘updating of personal data’
8.4. The period of processing the personal data is determined by the achievement of the purposes for which the personal data had been collected if another period was not implied by the contract or the relevant legislation
Any user can cancel their consent of processing the personal data sending a letter to zakoldaevaks@gmail.com with the note ‘cancelation of the consent to process the personal data’
8.5. All the information which gets collected by the third-party services including the payment systems, means of communication and other providers of services is being stored and processed by the Operators in accordance with their User Agreement and Privacy policy. The operator is not responsible for the actions of third parties even if they are listed in this paragraph of providers of services
8.6. The prohibitions established by the subject of personal data to transfer (excluding providing the access) and processing or conditions of processing (excluding obtaining the access) of personal data which is allowed to be distributed do not apply in cases of processing the personal data in state, public and other public interests which are determined by the law of the Russian Federation
8.7. The operator ensures the privacy of personal data during the processing of it
8.8. The Operator stores the personal data in a form which allows to determine the subject of personal data, no longer than it is demanded by the purposes of processing of the personal data if the period of storage of personal data is not determined by the federal law, a contract in which the subject is a party, beneficiary or guarantor
8.9. The condition for the termination of processing the personal data can be the achievement of the purposes of the processing of personal data, the expiration of the period of consent of the subject to process their personal data, cancelation of the consent of processing of the personal data or a requirement about the termination of processing of the personal data as well as the identification of unlawful processing of personal data
9. The actions being undertaken by the Operator with the personal data
9.1. The Operator collects, records, systematizes, accumulates, stores, clarifies (updates, changes), extracts, uses, transfers (distributes, provides, accesses), depersonalizes, blocks, deletes and destroys personal data
9.2 The Operator proceeds the automatized processing of personal data with getting and or transfering the collected data via information and telecommunication networks
10. Cross-border transfer of personal data
10.1 Prior to the start of cross-border transfer of personal data, the operator is obliged to notify the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects of its intention to carry out cross-border transfer of personal data (such notification is sent separately from the notification of the intention to process personal data)
10.2. Prior to submitting the above notification, the operator is obliged to receive relevant information from the authorities of a foreign state, foreign individuals, and foreign legal entities to whom the cross-border transfer of personal data is planned
11. Privacy of personal data
The Operator and other people who got an access to the personal data must not disclose or distribute the personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data if it is not demanded by the federal law
12. The final provisions
12.1. A user can acquire all the explanations and clarifications to all the requests which are related to the personal data by contacting the Operator via e-mail zakoldaevaks@gmail.com
12.2. This document will reflect any changes to the Operator's personal data processing policy. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version
12.2 The relevant version of the Policy is published with a free access to it under the link http://deutschmitliebe.com/pkeng